Sunday, July 26, 2009

Macro View:


British overcome Argentina in Falklands war (April 2–June 15). Israel invades Lebanon in attack on P.L.O. (June 4).

Statement: This occuring during the year and time of the play would cause an substainal effect of the actors. this could also effect the writing styles of the playwrights.

Pope John Paul Wounded:

A priest who attacked Pope John Paul II in 1982 reached the pontiff with a bayonet and drew blood, it has emerged.
The extent of the injury from the attack in Portugal was kept quiet, a film based on an aide's memoirs says.
The ultra-conservative Spanish priest, Juan Maria Fernandez y Krohn, was convicted and jailed in Portugal.

Statement: This tragic event also is something that could cause an effect on the outlook of a production and how it is directed.

Europe discovery of Oil and Gas:

The exploration of new areas has culminated in rank new-field wildcat discoveries throughout Europe. Mesozoic discoveries offshore Norway dominate. This area is at peak (North Sea) or past peak (continental northwestern Europe) production of the large Mesozoic oil fields discovered in the 1960s and 1970s. An increase in the level of exploration for the Tertiary and little explored Mesozoic oil plays of the Mediterranean region will ensure an increase in the momentum of development and production of these resources.--Modified journal abstract

Statement: Europe just like the rest of the world is trying to find alternate means of energy to survive.

Satellite in Europe debuts in 1982:

Statement: This is something that should be viewed and directed upon by the director of the production to understand the technological era that he/she is set in.

Jets crashing in Norway:

A Norwegian investigation into whether British military jets were involved in a fatal mid-air collision with a passenger plane over northern Norway was thrown into fresh controversy yesterday by the Ministry of Defence.
A Norwegian investigation into whether British military jets were involved in a fatal mid-air collision with a passenger plane over northern Norway was thrown into fresh controversy yesterday by the Ministry of Defence.
A parliamentary inquiry in Oslo is examining the circumstances of the crash on 11 March 1982 in which 15 people were killed when their turboprop plane came down in the sea near Mehamn, in Norway's northernmost province of

Statement: Although this has no involvment with the production itself I beleive in a sense that it could be utlized by a prop such as a newspaper.

ESU was created for education in 1982:

European Students' Union (ESU) formerly known as ESIB - The National Unions of Students in Europe - is the umbrella organisation of 47 national unions of students from 36 countries and through these members represent over 10 million students. The aim of ESU is to represent and promote the educational, social, economic and cultural interests of students at a European level towards all relevant bodies and in particular the European Union, Council of Europe and UNESCO. ESU is a full member of the European Youth Forum (YFJ), the ESU nominee for 2006 was elected the president of the YFJ.

Statement: again this has nothing to do with the production although it is a strong happening in Europe to get a better understanding of the world around them.


MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machines are introduced in Britain.....According to a Surgeon General's Report released in March, lun cancer kills 111,000 Americans, up from 18,313 in 1950.....Electronic mail gains in popularity after third-generation Japanese technology reduces transmission time to 20 seconds a page, reducing per-page costs from $4 to $1; by the end of the year there are 350,000 fax installations in the U.S., up from 69,000 in 1975.

Statement: This I feel is very helpful and subjective due to the fact that it is also something that shows the technological era in which the production is set in.


In Britain, where pornography is already more restricted than it is anywhere else in the English-speaking world or in Western Europe, sexual media is easily smeared for an audience that is seldom given an opportunity to see what really is sold under the name of "pornography". However the Obscene Publications Act 1959 (in England and Wales) and the Civig Government (Scotland) Act 1982 currently ban the publication and distribution of such material, but not its possession. British-made pornography tends to focus on a rough-and-ready semi-amateur look rather than the more stylized glamourous look of mainland European pornography.
Producers such as
Ben Dover concentrate on producing "girl-next-door" or "candid" material. Some British pornography concentrates on sexual fetishism, particularly erotic spanking and rubber fetishism which has been popular in Britain since the 1950s. The advent of the R18 certificate has allowed slightly more hardcore videos to be sold in licensed sex shops such as those in Soho. However, all videos sold legally in the United Kingdom must be passed by the BBFC, and this has restricted the amount of graphic sex that can be depicted, even under the new R18 rating. The UK porn industry is estimated to be now worth about 1 billion pounds, compared with 20 billion pounds worldwide.

Statement: This could play a huge part in the production due to the crude humor in the production as well as direction of just how much clothing is to be worn by the actress "Vicki".

European Union created in 1982 to better health care and to gain knowledge of the health and disease rate etc in other countries:

an economic and political union of 27 member states, located primarily in Europe. Committed to regional integration, the EU was established by the Treaty of Maastricht on 1 November 1993 upon the foundations of the pre-existing European Economic Community. With almost 500 million citizens, the EU combined generates an estimated 30% share (US$18.4 trillion in 2008) of the nominal gross world product.

Statement: Although this is something of no involvement of the show it helps to know the outlook or timeline of events that went on in the time that the production was written.

Hairstyles of the 1980's:

Hair in the 1980s was generally bouffant and heavily styled. This was in contrast to the long, straight, natural styles worn in the 1970s. Curly hair was all the rage - those who were not naturally endowed with curls could go to the hairdresser and get a permanent wave, or perm. Some people spent a great amount of time taming their hair into the latest style, with the help of styling products like mousse and hairspray.

Statement: This to me is very helpful to the make-up designer of how she wants her actors/actresses to look for the show to set the play in the correct time setting.

Princess Diana:

In 1981, Prince Charles of Wales married Diana Spencer, a young English nanny. Throughout the 1980s, Diana was transformed from a shy princess into a fashion icon - closely followed by the press and frequently appearing on the covers of women's magazines. All over the world, women copied Diana's ever-changing clothing and hair styles. In the 1980s, Diana often wore lace collars, blazers, pearl necklaces and hats.

Statement: This has not involvement whatsoever to the show but, is also a good outlook for a costume designer when it comes to researching for clothing of that era.

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